So I still have all my fingers!

Busy Times!

It has been awhile since my last update but I am proud to say I have now used a power tool successful without injury! While that is enough reason to update my blog I have also made a considerable amount of progress.

Last few weeks have been pretty crazy travelling for work but after returning from Melbourne the first thing I did was get stuck into my project!

Melbourne Trip

I can see my arcade from here!

After waiting far too long for someone else to do the hard work I decided enough was enough rolled up my sleeves and headed to Bunnings. After a quick speed lesson over the phone  on all the kinds of plywood and how none of it really made a difference I went with grade CD plywood 19mm* thick for $75.

I managed to leave Bunnings with everything I needed for the day and head to Steve’s where I was to be greeted with an arsenal of tools, tea and a sausage sizzle! (Thanks Lisa!)

Here’s a list of what I grabbed with links to Bunnings website for those of you who might want to do the same as me!

*Steve later mentioned that “..Maybe we didn’t need to go 19mm thick on the plywood..” so if you’re reading this before visiting Bunings make sure to pickup the 12mm plywood instead (mine is going to turn out pretty un-movable!). But like I said to Steve “If anyone tries to break this thing.. it will break them.”

Measure 20 times, cut once or twice before sun down.


Arriving at around 1:30pm I was optimistic and thought we would be putting together the arcade by sundown. Most of the day took up making measurements and ensuring we had enough plywood to go around! First step was to cut out the A0 print outs i had ready to line up and trace out the side pieces. After that the rest was easy enough to rule out using the rest of the plywood.

After a sausage sizzle break (and a few cheeky beers from Batch Brewing) Steve and I lined up the work horses and clamped down the board to prepare for what could have been the last time I saw all my appendages on one limb.

“I see you can saw..”

Obviously I let Steve go first.

Obviously I let Steve go first.

I was in no rush to ruin both my $75 and my fingers. After showing me the art of not putting my hands behind the saw (as apparently that is where the saw can kick back! Good to know.) I was ready for my attempt.

"What!? You want me to put my hand in FRONT of the saw!?"

“What!? You want me to put my hand in FRONT of the saw!?”

Feeling pretty chuff with ourselves Steve then decided to whip out his new toy. His newly purchased jigsaw.

Jigging along nicely

Mid-jig Beer. Mmm.. sawdust and hops.

Mid-jig Beer. Mmm.. sawdust and hops.

Steve did a great job on curving to the design of the side panel’s. I had a quick go but stopped shortly after fearing I would break his new toy.


It was getting dark and jigsawing became a bit of a team effort!

Looking good!

Looking good!

After a long day of measuring we got several pieces come into shape and I feel very happy with the progress we have made! Thanks again to Lisa and Steve for letting me use their back porch!

That is all until the next rain free weekend!


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Posted in Arcade, DIY, Gaming, iMac, Retro
2 comments on “So I still have all my fingers!
  1. Cool, love to see arcade machines being made from scratch. Where in Melbourne are u from? Good luck with the project

    • fantahpants says:

      Hey OutRun!

      I’m actually a Sydney dweller. Just in Melbourne for work! Thanks for the comment!

      Will try and get another update in soon! (when it stops raining)



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