Condensation desperation -The final coat of paint


I took the day off specifically to finish the final coat of paint on the arcade and I’m greeted with this pissy-ass-on-and-off-rain-all-day crap? What do we say to rain? Not today!




BOOM! See this? This is pure ingenuity. You know what they say.. Necessity is the mother of.. %@#$ you weather!

Anyway.. back to describing the brilliance resourcefulness of my DIY green house plastic paint cave.


While the table makes an awesome shelter it also doubles as a kind of meat hook paint shop. I was able to string a few cuts to make painting all sides a lot more efficient!



Hanging the majority of large pieces also allowed more floor space for the other pieces.


Alex – 1,   Weather – ZERO!

Next time on Alex’s Arcade Z…  It’s time for Mr T.. last name mold.


Don’t be no fool, fool. Read the next blog!









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