“The neck’s broken. The brain is useless. We must find another brain.”

After the death of my iMac and accepting the Raspberry Pi didn’t quite cut it for heavier emulation, I embarked on a quest to salvage my old gaming PC and resurrect it into the body of my now hollow brained arcade cabinet.


“Shhh.. I’m going to make you all better now. No more fruit related hardware I promise.”

I started by dismantling an old HP workstation and my gaming rig and laid them out to see how best to mount them into the small iMac sized space in my arcade.

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The HP workstation had exactly what I was looking for to be able to mount the motherboard and have proper stand offs for the board.

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The motherboard base plate was a bit smaller than my gaming pc’s motherboard but with a bit of encouragement from my hammer the motherboard fit in snuggly.

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I was finding it difficult to find a permanent spot to mount everything so went with industrial strength velcro which held surprisingly well! I eventually ended up moving the power supply under the monitor shelf in fear of the back swinging open with the sheer weight of the power supply.

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Once I had the motherboard securely mounted I added the disk drives and video card. The video card was a concern due to the fact that in its previous home it was mounted to the case to hold it in place and support its weight. In my arcade it was only supported by the PCI slot! I created a make shift support which worked well to distribute the weight of the card once the arcade was closed up.

It all fits, It all fits!… celebration video 🙂



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Posted in Arcade, DIY, Gaming, MAME, Retro, Technology, Uncategorized

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